
It's a wild ride and we are here for you


Parenting is incredibly rewarding. And also really hard. We help moms learn research-based, attachment-focused parenting and behavior management skills so you can foster your child’s well-being and manage hard behaviors, even while managing “all the things.

Our founder, Dr. Carole Swiecicki, Ph.D., is a psychologist with over 18 years experience in the field. After a long journey to build her family, she realized it was time to make research-based supports more available to help moms, and their little ones, thrive.

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When we think about well-being, we often consider physical health and happiness. However, emotional…
Human beings are social creatures by nature, and even the most introverted of us…
The idea for Remolina was sparked when I was in the midst of my…
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Building the Parent-Child Connection

A free guide with 5 Practical Tips for Working Moms to Strengthen their Child’s Well-being

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